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Bundle: Full Workshop Series (1-4) On Autism

Bundle: Full Workshop Series (1-4) On Autism


Understanding Autism Workshop: This recording was made documenting the January 2023 workshop: Understanding Autism. It is the 1st in the series of 4 and I hope you find it helpful in better understanding an Autistic someone in your life. This is highly recommended before you take any of the subsequent workshops in the series.

Top 10 Techniques For Engaging Autistics: Ideal for anyone wanting to better understand evidence based supports that work to engage Autistic people of all ages. You receive: - Slide deck for the workshop - Video access - Handout for the Top Ten Techniques

Motivating Autistic Teens and Adults: Join me to refine your ability to motivate your Autistic teen or adult friend, loved one, or client. This training will help you do so without engaging in shaming or blaming an Autistic for their relationship with motivation.

Caring For Yourself (So You Can Care For Others): Autism is a disability affecting one's ability to regulate one's own system due to the onslaught of sensory, emotional, and other input in our busy society and daily interactions. Therefore, caring for oneself so you can care for another is essential for successful engagements. It may sound trite to say "you must take care of yourself" when you are overwhelmed, overloaded, and stretched too thin already - one more thing sounds ridiculous.... however, let's work together in this course to find even little ways to regulate your own system so you can show up for yourself and someone else. This course is suited for anyone who is caring for someone else. You may be autistic yourself who is already or wishing to care for others. You may be a parent, grandparent, support worker, or sibling. You are all more than welcome here to focus on YOU and your well-being.

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