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Caring for Yourself so you can Care for Others - ONLINE

Caring for Yourself so you can Care for Others - ONLINE


Autism is a disability affecting one's ability to regulate one's own system due to the onslaught of sensory, emotional, and other input in our busy society and daily interactions. Therefore, caring for oneself so you can care for another is essential for successful engagements. It may sound trite to say "you must take care of yourself" when you are overwhelmed, overloaded, and stretched too thin already - one more thing sounds ridiculous.... however, let's work together in this course to find even little ways to regulate your own system so you can show up for yourself and someone else.


This course is suited for anyone who is caring for someone else.  You may be autistic yourself who is already or wishing to care for others. You may be a parent, grandparent, support worker, or sibling. You are all more than welcome here to focus on YOU and your well-being.

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